Staff are available 24 hours a day, to support and provide for our young people. Staffing levels and deployment of staff is organised on a weekly rota and will depend on the support needs of the young people using the service. Night time support will also depend on the needs of the young people in placement at the time. We also operate a staff on call support facility where support, advice and guidance can be sought at any time from a Senior Manager.
We provide sufficiently resourced units and numbers of support staff on duty is dependent on the number and needs of the young people in the placement through effective placement matching. Each young person will be risk assessed prior to moving in so that their support needs can be identified.
Any additional support needs identified for individual young people will be provided in addition to the basic staffing levels dependent of funding approval from the local authority.
All our staff have experience of working with children and young people and have or are working towards the relevant NVQ Level 3 qualifications in young persons, Health and Social Care. Our staffing policy promotes role models of both genders and values equality and diversity. Strict safer recruitment procedures are followed when employing staff as outlined in our safer recruitment policy.
All young people will have regularly reviewed and up to date support plans reflecting their own individual needs, wishes and aspirations.
The support plan will outline areas of assessed need from their pathway plans and clearly and unambiguously outline methods needed to achieve these important issues.
The recording of these plans will be in formats easily understandable for the young person and broken down into small targets. Young people will have regular opportunities to discuss the progress and focus of the ongoing plan in keywork sessions.
Compass Social Care,
8 Madeira Avenue,
Leigh on Sea,
Chaingate House
01702 804 331
Archer House
01702 804 333