Compass Social Care

Our aims

Our aim is to provide a warm, safe, nurturing and caring environment for young people who are leaving residential or foster care for semi- independence, as well as unaccompanied minors, where they can be supported, prepared and encouraged to develop their skills towards independence and to grow and develop into young adults.

We aim to provide transitional care services to support young care leavers to pursue education, employment or training opportunities and develop core life skills.

We aim to equip our young people with the knowledge, skill set and ability to take as much control of their lives independently as possible, therefore enabling each young person to grow, thrive and reach their full potential. Young people are encouraged to be involved in decision making regarding their life and are given a level of autonomy – for example with their keys, personal allowance, food shopping, bedroom decoration etc.

Young people’s safety is promoted and adequately safeguarded at all times. We aim to ensure that young people are appropriately matched within our accommodation units and that they are supported to enjoy their experiences and develop their self-confidence. Our team work hard to ensure that young people are fully supported and prepared for their future independent living.

Our services are 24hour semi-independent living support service for looked-after young adults, both male and female, between the ages of 16-25 years.

We offer a number of different support packages, both short and long term support as well as emergency placements. We ensure that each young person is provided with a comprehensive placement package regardless of how long they reside with us.

We provide services and accommodation for:

  • Asylum Seekers 16+
  • Refugee Minors Aged 16+
  • Young Expectant Mothers 16+
  • Parent and Child 16+
  • Young People Leaving Care 16+

Our commitment

  • Promoting person-centred support that enables an atmosphere that will develop open and effective communication
  • Promoting dialogue and encouraging active listening from all staff members
  • Promoting the delivery of support that is based on empathy, kindness, transparency, respect and collaborative working.
  • Ensuring that we will do all we can to ensure that all young people are kept safe and protected from any form of abuse
  • Supporting the young person’ right to make complaints with full details of how to do so
  • Encouraging young people to make decisions and take responsibility for their choices supported by firm boundaries
  • Encouraging young people to be active participants in their pathway plans, support plans and reviews.
  • Supporting young people to move towards independent living and gain the necessary life skills to achieve this.


Compass Social Care,
8 Madeira Avenue,
Leigh on Sea,


Chaingate House
01702 804 331

Archer House
01702 804 333